Murphy's Law
In the field


Run, Gun, Med, with a yellow to boot.

OK, you probably want to get into LTH. Here's a few hints:

Work with us in a server. If you can prove that you are able to integrate into the team easily, it is more likely you will get in.

Don't join another team while you are waiting. We will not poach players from an active squad.

Don't complain about deaths, kills or weapon selections. Nothing looks as bad as a player complaining about campers, snipers or the like. Camping is a valid strategy, we use it. Snipers are part of the game, if you don't like them, hunt them down. Many people will quit sniping after they are hunted for a few games. Campers are easy targets, you know where they are.

Make sure to use all of the characters.

Become very proficient as a med.

Read the Murphy's Law page on the site. It was written by Grunts from field experience. The pictures illustrate the concepts.

Impress us. That's what it takes more than anything else to join. Show that you are one of the best at a few characters or positions.

If you think that getting into LTH will be great for your stats, think again. When you're on a team with other LTH, you need to work on teamwork, targets and goals, not points. We don't switch servers for one reason, so we can hunt the LTH on the other team. Nothing brings a smile to an LTH team member, than to get an LTH guy or girl on the other side of the field. Anyone can shoot the new guy, it takes skill to shoot LTH.

Being in LTH will initially slow down your advancement and increase your deaths in the stat servers. The reward is the experience of playing with one of the best teams around.

The Story of Newf

Newf was a good player, but not the best. LTH had some very top notch members, and Newf was just below that level. Creed3:16 was leader of LTH at the time, and did not want Newf in until he was a better player.

   Mr X proceeded to  beat up the poor Newf  with reckless  abandon.     Newf was  fired upon  until X's trigger  finger  developed   large  blisters.  Newf was constantly  being  hunted, ambushed and charged.  Newf  never  faltered,  never  left,   and  constantly responded. After 4 months of this, Newf joined LTH. Newf is now one of the best sappers in the game, a top  notch  gunner,  and  Executive  Officer  of  LTH.

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